Reasons for the Leak of Coil Pipe in Water Jacket Furnace 水套炉盘管泄漏的原因分析
This paper provides some suggestions in the management and reducing the accident of water jacket furnace, through analyzing the reasons for the leak of a coil pipe in water jacket furnace. 本文通过对一台水套炉盘管泄漏的原因分析,对油田管理水套炉提供参考建议,对减少水套炉事故有一定的意义。
HEAT TRANSFER IN AGITATED VESSEL WITH HALF-PIPE-COIL JACKET Analysis of Leak on Water-cooled Wall 半圆管夹套的传热研究水冷壁管泄漏失效剖析
Moreover, the temperature in the stator coil can be reduced effectively if the rate of water in the jacket increase, and we should select proper rate to obtain the best cooling effect. 另外,加快水套内冷却水的流动能有效降低定子绕组温度,考虑选用恰当的流速,以最小的代价获取最佳冷却效果。